What Size Gel Should I Buy?


For your home, we recommend as a starter 1 ounce of gel per 100 square feet of space. However, your usage needs may vary depending on the strength of odor you are trying to remove; e.g., you may need 2 ounces of gel per 100 square feet of space if you're trying to eliminate scent from pets or smoke.

2 ounce gel is great for areas up to 200 square feet like:

  • Closets
  • Drawers
  • Small Bedrooms

4 ounce gel can be used for areas up to 400 square feet, or to remove higher strength odors like:

  • Small Bedroom
  • Cat Litter Box area
  • Laundry Room
  • College Dorm Room

8 ounce gels can handle areas up to 800 square feet like:

  • Large Bedroom
  • Small Basement
  • Living or Family Room
  • Dining Room
  • Kitchen

16 ounce gel is for your toughest areas, such as:

  • Very large rooms
  • Residential HVAC systems (place directly in air handler units)

Boat / RV

As a general rule, boats or RVs up to 20' (6m) use 1-2 four (4) ounce containers, depending on their type. Boats and RVs longer than this should divide their length by 10 and add one 4 ounce container to that for a final total. For example, a 50-foot boat would use 6 total four-ounce containers of gel.

2 ounce Gel should be used for small areas like:

  • Head
  • Bait Locker
  • Rope Locker
  • Closet

4 ounce Gel can be used in medium sized areas:

  • Interior Galley
  • Bilge Area
  • Cabin
  • Bedroom

8 ounce Gel is for your largest areas on board your boat or RV:

  • Estate Room
  • Engine Room
  • Large Cabin
  • Living Area